Five Items

Five Items

Love. Unconditional. Untiring. Unquenchable.

Laughter. Uncontrollable. Unconstrained. Unhindered.

Light. Unfiltered. Unclouded. Unobscured.

Liveliness. Undaunted. Untamed. Unabashed.

Loyalty. Unfailing. Unwavering. Unswerving.                                              

Now You See ME

I don’t usually pay much attention to the Daily Prompts that pop up here on WordPress…but….this one caught my attention. And, since my other blog is all about recovery, this seemed a little out of place. So, here’s my first post on a new blog, When the Words Won’t Come. A blog dedicated to poetry…or just words…whatever.

I used to write a lot of poetry (no rhyming, that kinda gets on my nerves, unless you’re Dr Seuss, then go on with your bad self…oh…or Shel Silverstein, anyway…). I miss it. Not necessarily biographical poetry. I used to use prompts a lot for writing poetry. Mostly, like this, the prompts that make writing just, you know, come to you.

Now You See ME

NOW you see me. Now that you need something from me, NOW you see me…

Now YOU see me. Now that I have become the person you told me to be, now YOU see me…

Now you SEE me. Now that I have stopped begging for your attention and moved on to someone new, now you SEE me…

Now you see ME. Now that I didn’t come running back, now that I am a strong person, now that you no longer have any control over me, now you see ME.

Also, if you’re interested, hop over to my other blog, Life With Green Eyes